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feria de arte

English translation of feria de arte

art fair

The Spanish phrase 'feria de arte' translates to 'art fair' in English. An art fair is a specific type of trade event where art collectors, galleries, and artists come together to showcase and sell artworks. It serves as a platform to introduce new and existing artists and their works to the public, providing exposure and fostering connections between artists, collectors, and interested audiences.

Example sentences using: feria de arte

La feria de arte de este año promete ser emocionante.

English translation of La feria de arte de este año promete ser emocionante.

This year's art fair promises to be exciting.

This sentence is expressing anticipation for the upcoming art fair, indicating that the speaker expects it to be interesting or captivating.

Compré este cuadro en la feria de arte.

English translation of Compré este cuadro en la feria de arte.

I bought this painting at the art fair.

This sentence is expressing a past event where the speaker purchased a painting at an art fair. The speaker uses this phrase to explain the origin of the painting.

Nos encontramos en la feria de arte la próxima semana.

English translation of Nos encontramos en la feria de arte la próxima semana.

We meet at the art fair next week.

This sentence is making a plan for the future to meet at the art fair. The speaker uses this phrase to organize a gathering at the upcoming event.

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