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English translation of felino


The Spanish word 'felino' translates to 'feline' in English. 'Felino' is typically used to describe animals that belong to the cat family, which can include animals like lions, tigers, cheetahs, and domestic cats. It is an adjective used to describe something as possessing the qualities or characteristics of a cat, particularly in relation to the grace and agility commonly associated with these animals.

Example sentences using: felino

El felino esta en el jardin

English translation of El felino esta en el jardin

The feline is in the garden

In Spanish, 'felino' refers to a cat or a member of the cat family. Just like in English, 'esta' means 'is' and 'en' means 'in', 'el jardin' refers to 'the garden'.

El rugido del felino asusto a los ninos

English translation of El rugido del felino asusto a los ninos

The roar of the feline scared the children

In this case, 'El rugido del felino' is translated as 'The roar of the feline', and 'asusto a los ninos' means 'scared the children'.

La elegancia del felino es asombrosa

English translation of La elegancia del felino es asombrosa

The elegance of the feline is astonishing

In this Spanish sentence, 'La elegancia del felino' is translated as 'The elegance of the feline', and 'es asombrosa' refers to 'is astonishing'.

La velocidad del felino impresiono a todos

English translation of La velocidad del felino impresiono a todos

The speed of the feline impressed everyone

'La velocidad del felino' translates to 'The speed of the feline' in English. The phrase 'impresiono a todos' can be translated to 'impressed everyone'.

El felino caza durante la noche

English translation of El felino caza durante la noche

The feline hunts during the night

Just like in English, 'caza' means 'hunts', 'durante' means 'during', and 'la noche' refers to 'the night'. So 'El felino caza durante la noche' translates to 'The feline hunts during the night'.

El felino esta en peligro de extincion

English translation of El felino esta en peligro de extincion

The feline is in danger of extinction

In this context, 'El felino esta en peligro de extincion' translates to 'The feline is in danger of extinction'.

El felino maulla cuando tiene hambre

English translation of El felino maulla cuando tiene hambre

The feline meows when it's hungry

Here 'maulla' refers to 'meows' which is a sound a cat makes, 'cuando tiene hambre' translates to 'when it's hungry'.

El felino vive en la selva

English translation of El felino vive en la selva

The feline lives in the jungle

In this sentence 'El felino vive en la selva' directly translates to 'The feline lives in the jungle'.

El felino ronronea cuando esta contento

English translation of El felino ronronea cuando esta contento

The feline purrs when it is happy

The term 'ronronea' commonly refers to the sound a happy cat makes which is 'purrs' in English and 'cuando esta contento' translates to 'when it is happy'.

El felino se camufla entre las hojas

English translation of El felino se camufla entre las hojas

The feline camouflages among the leaves

'El felino se camufla entre las hojas' in English translates to 'The feline camouflages among the leaves'. Here 'se camufla' refers to 'camouflages' and 'entre las hojas' refers to 'among the leaves'.

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