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English translation of fanatismo


The word 'fanatismo' does not actually translate to 'fantasy' in English. It translates to 'fanaticism', which refers to the behavior or attitude of individuals who have very strong, often excessive or irrational, beliefs or enthusiasm about something, particularly in political or religious contexts.

Example sentences using: fanatismo

El fanatismo religioso a veces puede llevar a conflictos.

English translation of El fanatismo religioso a veces puede llevar a conflictos.

Religious fanaticism can sometimes lead to conflicts.

This sentence describes the negative impact that extreme devotion or enthusiasm, in this case for religion, can sometimes have, causing disagreements or fights.

El fanatismo político a menudo ciega a las personas sobre la realidad.

English translation of El fanatismo político a menudo ciega a las personas sobre la realidad.

Political fanaticism often blinds people to reality.

This example demonstrates that an intense uncritical devotion in politics can make people overlook or ignore the truth or facts.

El fanatismo en el fútbol puede generar violencia en los estadios.

English translation of El fanatismo en el fútbol puede generar violencia en los estadios.

Fanaticism in football can lead to violence in stadiums.

This sentence explores how the extreme passion and intensity in sports, particularly football, can sometimes lead to aggressive or violent behavior, especially during matches.

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