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English translation of falsificación


The word 'falsificación' in Spanish translates to 'forgery' in English. Forgery is a process that refers to the act of falsely making or altering a document with the intent to defraud or deceive. It can be associated with signing someone else's name to a document without their consent or authorization, making a fake ID card, creating fake certifications, or even producing counterfeit money. Therefore, 'falsificación' can be used in various contexts in Spanish language where the concept of forgery or unlawful copying is involved.

Example sentences using: falsificación

La marca está luchando contra la falsificación de sus productos.

English translation of La marca está luchando contra la falsificación de sus productos.

The brand is fighting against counterfeiting of its products.

This phrase is about a brand or company that is attempting to combat the illicit reproduction of their products.

La falsificación de documentos es un delito grave.

English translation of La falsificación de documentos es un delito grave.

Forgery of documents is a serious crime.

This sentence is talking about the illegal act of making fake documents, which is considered a serious crime.

La policía está investigando un caso de falsificación de dinero.

English translation of La policía está investigando un caso de falsificación de dinero.

The police are investigating a case of money counterfeiting.

In this situation, the authorities are looking into an instance where someone has unlawfully imitated currency.

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