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facturar el equipaje

English translation of facturar el equipaje

check the luggage

The phrase 'facturar el equipaje' in Spanish translates to 'check the luggage' in English. It is typically used in the context of travel, particularly at airports. When you 'facturar el equipaje', you are handing your luggage over to airport staff for it to be securely placed in the aircraft's storage area for the duration of the flight. After landing at your destination, you retrieve your 'facturado' luggage from the baggage claim area.

Example sentences using: facturar el equipaje

Necesito facturar el equipaje antes de que cierre la ventanilla.

English translation of Necesito facturar el equipaje antes de que cierre la ventanilla.

I need to check my luggage before the counter closes.

This sentence is used when someone needs to check in their luggage at the airport before the airline counter closes. It is a typical situation when travelling by airplane.

¿Podrías ayudarme a facturar el equipaje, por favor?

English translation of ¿Podrías ayudarme a facturar el equipaje, por favor?

Could you help me check my luggage, please?

This is a polite request for assistance in the process of checking in luggage. It might be used in a variety of travel situations where luggage needs to be checked, such as at an airport, train station, or bus station.

Quisiera facturar el equipaje en este mostrador.

English translation of Quisiera facturar el equipaje en este mostrador.

I would like to check my luggage at this counter.

This sentence might be used when a person wants to check their luggage in a specific location. It implies the presence of a counter or desk dedicated to this service.

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