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English translation of fachada


The Spanish word 'fachada' translates to 'facade' in English. It is often used to describe the front part or exterior of a building. Facades are typically the most decorative and visually appealing aspect of a building, as they are true representation of its architectural design. 'Fachada' can also metaphorically represent a deceptive outward appearance in Spanish just as 'facade' does in English.

Example sentences using: fachada

La fachada de la casa es muy bonita.

English translation of La fachada de la casa es muy bonita.

The facade of the house is very beautiful.

In this sentence, 'fachada' is used to describe the front or face of a structure, specifically a house, remarking on its aesthetics.

Se está cayendo la pintura en la fachada del edificio viejo.

English translation of Se está cayendo la pintura en la fachada del edificio viejo.

The paint on the facade of the old building is falling off.

This sentence uses 'fachada' to refer to the outside front of an old building, specifically talking about its condition where the paint from it is deteriorating.

La fachada de la iglesia está hecha de una piedra antigua.

English translation of La fachada de la iglesia está hecha de una piedra antigua.

The facade of the church is made of an ancient stone.

Here, 'fachada' refers to the front part of the church, which is made from a type of stone described as old or ancient.

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