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English translation of fábula


The Spanish word 'fábula' translates to 'fable' in English. A 'fable' is a short story that typically features animals as characters and aims to convey a moral or lesson. This is a common genre in both literature and oral storytelling. It is very likely that you may come across the word 'fábula' while reading Spanish story books or studying Spanish literature. So, 'fábula' is a useful word to know if you plan to immerse yourself in Spanish language storytelling.

Example sentences using: fábula

La fábula del león y el ratón es muy conocida.

English translation of La fábula del león y el ratón es muy conocida.

The fable of the lion and the mouse is well known.

This sentence is referring to a popular fable titled 'The Lion and The Mouse'. In this context, 'fábula' is referring to a specific type of story, which is typically short and includes a morale or lesson at the end.

Voy a escribir una fábula para el concurso de literatura.

English translation of Voy a escribir una fábula para el concurso de literatura.

I'm going to write a fable for the literature contest.

The speaker in this sentence is planning to write a fable for a literature contest. Here, 'fábula' refers to a type of story that the speaker plans to write.

La fábula es una forma de literatura antigua.

English translation of La fábula es una forma de literatura antigua.

The fable is an ancient form of literature.

This sentence describes a fable as an ancient form of literature, suggesting its long historical value and significance in the literary field.

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