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English translation of fabricación


The Spanish word 'fabricación' translates to 'manufacturing' in English. It is used in the context of industrial production, where raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale. Another associated meaning could be 'making' or 'creating' something, often in large quantities. It can also relate to the process or methods used to turn raw materials into finished goods. Thus, you would use 'fabricación' when speaking about the creation or production process in industries and factories.

Example sentences using: fabricación

La fabricación de automóviles es un proceso complejo.

English translation of La fabricación de automóviles es un proceso complejo.

The manufacture of cars is a complex process.

This phrase refers to the manufacturing process involved in the creation of cars, suggesting that it is complex and involves many different steps.

Estudiaré ingeniería para aprender sobre fabricación.

English translation of Estudiaré ingeniería para aprender sobre fabricación.

I will study engineering to learn about manufacturing.

In this phrase, the speaker is expressing his future plans of studying engineering with the goal of learning about manufacturing - how things are produced in industries.

Esta botella es de fabricación italiana.

English translation of Esta botella es de fabricación italiana.

This bottle is of Italian manufacture.

This sentence is used to describe the bottle as being manufactured or made in Italy, indicating that it is of Italian origin.

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