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extraviar las maletas

English translation of extraviar las maletas

remove the bags

'Extraviar las maletas' is a Spanish term that is often misinterpreted in English. A more accurate translation would be 'to lose the bags' or 'the bags are lost'. This indicates a situation where someone's luggage has been misplaced or lost, most commonly in travel scenarios such as at an airport or bus station. The act of 'extraviar' doesn't imply they were purposefully removed or disposed of, but rather than they were unintentionally or unexpectedly lost.

Example sentences using: extraviar las maletas

Cuando viajo, siempre tengo miedo de extraviar las maletas.

English translation of Cuando viajo, siempre tengo miedo de extraviar las maletas.

When I travel, I always fear losing my luggage.

This sentence shows the common worry of many travelers about losing their luggage. The verb 'extraviar' means 'to lose', 'las maletas' is 'the luggage' and is the direct object of the verb. 'Siempre' means 'always' and 'tengo miedo de' is a phrase meaning 'I am afraid of'. The phrase is a general statement about the speaker's constant fear when they are traveling.

Para evitar extraviar las maletas, siempre las marco con un lazo colorido.

English translation of Para evitar extraviar las maletas, siempre las marco con un lazo colorido.

To avoid losing my luggage, I always mark them with a colorful bow.

This sentence is giving advice on how to avoid losing luggage by marking it with a colorful bow. Here, 'para evitar' means 'to avoid', 'extraviar' stands for 'losing', 'las maletas' represents 'the luggage', 'siempre' means 'always', 'las marco con' can be translated as 'I mark them with', and 'un lazo colorido' is 'a colorful bow'. The subject 'I' is implied in the sentence.

En la última vacación, a mi amigo se le logró extraviar las maletas.

English translation of En la última vacación, a mi amigo se le logró extraviar las maletas.

On the last vacation, my friend managed to lose his luggage.

In this sentence, the speaker is sharing a past event when his friend lost his luggage during a vacation. 'En la última vacación' means 'on the last vacation', 'a mi amigo' is translated as 'my friend', 'se le logró' signifies 'he managed to', and 'extraviar las maletas' is 'lose the luggage'. The use of 'se le logró' implies that losing the luggage was an negative accomplishment.

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