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extinguirse (una estrella)

English translation of extinguirse (una estrella)

extinct (a star)

The Spanish term 'extinguirse (una estrella)' translates to 'extinct (a star)' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of astronomy, where it refers to the process by which a star exhausts its nuclear fuel and ends its life. This could occur in a number of ways, such as collapsing under its own gravity, or exploding as a supernova. The phrase conveys a sense of finality and the irreversible end of existence.

Example sentences using: extinguirse (una estrella)

A menos que podamos detener el proceso, la estrella se extinguirá.

English translation of A menos que podamos detener el proceso, la estrella se extinguirá.

Unless we can stop the process, the star will go out.

This sentence describes a threat, where the star will go out unless we can stop the process. The term 'extinguirse' is used to suggest the end or cessation of the star's light-emitting function.

La sobreexplotación de recursos naturales puede hacer extinguirse una estrella.

English translation of La sobreexplotación de recursos naturales puede hacer extinguirse una estrella.

The overexploitation of natural resources can make a star go extinct.

This sentence describes an environmental issue, where the overuse of natural resources could make a star go extinct. Here, 'extinguirse (una estrella)' is used symbolically to express the idea of depletion of resources.

La estrella podría extinguirse si sigue aumentando en tamaño.

English translation of La estrella podría extinguirse si sigue aumentando en tamaño.

The star could go extinct if it continues to grow in size.

This phrase expresses a hypothetical situation, where a star might go extinct if it continues to increase in size. 'Extinguirse (una estrella)' is used metaphorically, as stars do not go extinct in the usual sense, but rather they exhaust their nuclear fuel and cease to emit light.

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