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extinguirse una especie

English translation of extinguirse una especie

extinguishing a species

The phrase 'extinguirse una especie' translates to 'extinguishing a species' in English. This refers to the act or process by which a particular species gets completely wiped out from existence. This could occur naturally due to environmental changes or by the action of humans causing habitat destruction, pollution, hunting, overfishing, or introducing invasive species. The disappearance of any species is a serious concern because it could disrupt the delicate balance in the ecosystem and negatively affect biodiversity.

Example sentences using: extinguirse una especie

El calentamiento global podría causar que se extinga una especie.

English translation of El calentamiento global podría causar que se extinga una especie.

Global warming could cause a species to become extinct.

This sentence talks about the possible consequence of global warming, which could lead to the extinction of a species. In this case, 'extinguirse una especie' is used to express the potential outcome of environmental changes.

Si los cazadores siguen cazando estos animales, podrían extinguirse una especie.

English translation of Si los cazadores siguen cazando estos animales, podrían extinguirse una especie.

If hunters continue hunting these animals, they could cause a species to become extinct.

This sentence brings up the issue of animal hunting leading to potential extinction of species. 'Extinguirse una especie' is used here to demonstrate the consequence of excessive hunting.

Es importante proteger los hábitats naturales para evitar que se extinga una especie.

English translation of Es importante proteger los hábitats naturales para evitar que se extinga una especie.

It is important to protect natural habitats to avoid a species from becoming extinct.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of protecting natural habitats for the prevention of species extinction. Here, 'extinguirse una especie' is used to communicate the potential danger to species if their habitats are not preserved.

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