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English translation of explotación


The Spanish word 'explotación' translates into English as 'exploitation'. It is used to describe a situation where someone benefits unfairly from the work or resources of another. This could occur in a variety of contexts, such as within economic systems, in interpersonal relationships, or in relation to natural resources. 'Explotación' can carry negative connotations, as it often implies that the person or resource being exploited is not receiving their fair share in return.

Example sentences using: explotación

La explotación de los recursos naturales es una preocupación global.

English translation of La explotación de los recursos naturales es una preocupación global.

The exploitation of natural resources is a global concern.

This sentence refers to the use (often overuse) of the world's natural resources, such as water, trees, oil etc, highlighting that it is a matter of international and global concern.

La explotación de los trabajadores en las fábricas es inhumana.

English translation of La explotación de los trabajadores en las fábricas es inhumana.

The exploitation of factory workers is inhumane.

This sentence refers to the abuse and poor treatment of factory workers, often in the context of low wages, long hours, and unsafe working conditions, depicting the conditions as 'inhumane'.

Los defensores de los animales luchan contra su explotación en circos y zoológicos.

English translation of Los defensores de los animales luchan contra su explotación en circos y zoológicos.

Animal rights advocates fight against their exploitation in circuses and zoos.

This sentence discusses the activism against animal abuse, with a reference to common sites of concern: circuses and zoos. Here, 'explotación' refers to abusive treatment and misuse of animals for entertainment or business purposes.

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