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English translation of experimentado


The Spanish word 'experimentado' translates to 'experienced' in English. This adjective is often used to describe someone who has a lot of knowledge or skill in a particular area or field due to having done it for a long period of time. It can be used in various contexts, similar to its English equivalent.

Example sentences using: experimentado

Ha experimentado muchos cambios en su vida.

English translation of Ha experimentado muchos cambios en su vida.

She has experienced many changes in her life.

Here 'experimentado' is used in the perfect tense to indicate past experiences. It describes the various changes the person in question has gone through.

El chef es muy experimentado en la cocina italiana.

English translation of El chef es muy experimentado en la cocina italiana.

The chef is very experienced in Italian cuisine.

In this sentence, 'experimentado' is used to describe the chef's level of expertise in Italian cuisine, indicating that he has a lot of experience.

A pesar de ser joven, él ya es un experimentado empresario.

English translation of A pesar de ser joven, él ya es un experimentado empresario.

Despite being young, he is already an experienced businessman.

In this phrase, 'experimentado' is used to qualify the noun 'empresario', indicating a high level of business experience despite the person's young age.

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