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expandirse (el universo)

English translation of expandirse (el universo)

expand (the universe)

The Spanish phrase 'expandirse (el universo)' translates to 'expand (the universe)' in English. It is used in the context of explaining phenomena in physics and cosmology. 'Expandirse' is a reflexive verb, indicating a process or change happening to the subject itself, in this case, the universe. It's derived from 'expandir' which means to expand or to spread. 'El universo' refers to 'the universe'. Combined, 'expandirse (el universo)' is used to describe the action of the universe expanding.

Example sentences using: expandirse (el universo)

El universo continúa expandiéndose a un ritmo increíble.

English translation of El universo continúa expandiéndose a un ritmo increíble.

The universe continues to expand at an incredible rate.

This sentence is stating a fact about how the universe is still expanding rapidly. It uses the gerund form of 'expandirse' to indicate that this action is ongoing.

Científicos creen que el universo empezó a expandirse después del Big Bang.

English translation of Científicos creen que el universo empezó a expandirse después del Big Bang.

Scientists believe that the universe started to expand after the Big Bang.

This sentence refers to the widely accepted theory that the universe's expansion began immediately after the Big Bang. 'Empezó a expandirse' is the past tense, indicating that this action initiated in the past.

Se predice que el universo va a expandirse indefinidamente.

English translation of Se predice que el universo va a expandirse indefinidamente.

It is predicted that the universe will expand indefinitely.

This sentence talks about a prediction regarding the future status of the universe. Using 'va a expandirse', it tells us that a future action is expected, in this case, the indefinite expansion of the universe.

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