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English translation of excursión


The word 'excursión' in Spanish translates to 'excursion' in English. An excursion is a short journey or trip, especially one engaged in as a leisure activity. For example, an individual might take an excursion to a nearby city to explore its attractions. In a school context, an excursion often refers to a trip taken by students and teachers outside the classroom for educational purposes, such as visiting a museum, a historical site, a company or a natural park.

Example sentences using: excursión

Nos vamos de excursión al campo este fin de semana.

English translation of Nos vamos de excursión al campo este fin de semana.

We are going on a trip to the countryside this weekend.

Here, 'excursión' is used in a sentence to describe the action of going on a trip, specifically to a countryside. This form of usage is very common in Spanish where people often 'go on an excursion' to different places.

La excursión escolar fue muy educativa.

English translation of La excursión escolar fue muy educativa.

The school trip was very educational.

In this case, 'excursión' is used to denote a school activity where students go on an outing for instructional purposes. Such educational excursions are often referred to as 'excursión escolar' in Spanish.

Mañana planeamos una excursión a la playa.

English translation of Mañana planeamos una excursión a la playa.

Tomorrow we plan a trip to the beach.

The Spanish term 'excursión' is used here to express the plan of going on a trip. It shows the future intention of the speaker to visit the beach, as commonly conveyed in Spanish using 'excursión'.

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