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English translation of exactamente


In Spanish, the word 'exactamente' is used in similar contexts as 'exactly' in English. It is used to express total agreement, precision or to emphasize the truthfulness of a statement. For example, if someone says 'El examen fue muy difícil' (The exam was very hard), you could respond with 'Exactamente' to express that you completely agree.

Example sentences using: exactamente

Exactamente, tienes razón.

English translation of Exactamente, tienes razón.

Exactly, you're right.

This is a simple assertion used in response to something someone else has said, it is used to show agreement with their point of view. The word 'exactamente' serves to emphasize the speaker's firm agreement.

Jorge llegó a las tres en punto, exactamente.

English translation of Jorge llegó a las tres en punto, exactamente.

Jorge arrived at three o'clock exactly.

This sentence is used to emphasize precision in time. 'Exactamente' is used here to indicate that Jorge arrived precisely at three o'clock, not a minute earlier or later.

Eso es exactamente lo que dije.

English translation of Eso es exactamente lo que dije.

That's exactly what I said.

This phrase is typically used when someone else repeats what the speaker has previously stated, to confirm the accuracy of their repetition. Here, 'exactamente' is used to emphasize that the repeated statement aligns perfectly with the original.

La casa es exactamente como me la imaginaba.

English translation of La casa es exactamente como me la imaginaba.

The house is exactly as I imagined it.

In this example, 'exactamente' is used to indicate that reality matches the speaker's prior expectations, without any disparity.

Ella tiene exactamente diez años.

English translation of Ella tiene exactamente diez años.

She is exactly ten years old.

This sentence is a straightforward statement of someone's age. 'Exactamente' is used to emphasize the precision of the speaker's information.

Exactamente, eso es lo que pienso también.

English translation of Exactamente, eso es lo que pienso también.

Exactly, that's what I think too.

This phrase is used to show agreement with someone else's opinion. 'Exactamente' strengthens the speaker's attestation of shared views.

Ella tiene exactamente lo que necesita.

English translation of Ella tiene exactamente lo que necesita.

She has exactly what she needs.

This is a simple assertion about someone's possessions or resources. 'Exactamente' is used to indicate that nothing more or less is required.

Este es el lugar exactamente.

English translation of Este es el lugar exactamente.

This is exactly the place.

This phrase is used when one has found the specific place they've been looking for. 'Exactamente' emphasizes the accuracy of the identification.

Yo estaba pensando exactamente lo mismo.

English translation of Yo estaba pensando exactamente lo mismo.

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

This is used when someone verbalizes what the speaker was silently thinking. 'Exactamente' emphasizes the perfect match between the spoken and unspoken thoughts.

Se parece exactamente a su madre.

English translation of Se parece exactamente a su madre.

She looks exactly like her mother.

This sentence is typically used when the resemblance between two people is striking. 'Exactamente' emphasizes the extent of the likeness.

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