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English translation of evitar


The Spanish word 'evitar' translates to 'avoid' in English. It is a verb that is used in situations where you need to shun, prevent or abstain from doing something. For instance, you might 'evitar' going to a party if you want to stay away from crowds.

Example sentences using: evitar

Podemos evitar discutir.

English translation of Podemos evitar discutir.

We can avoid arguing.

In this phrase, 'evitar' indicates the capability of doing something, which is avoiding an argument in the current context.

Trata de evitar los errores comunes.

English translation of Trata de evitar los errores comunes.

Try to avoid common mistakes.

In this sentence, 'evitar' is used to indicate the action of avoiding or staying away from something, in this case, common mistakes. This is a common usage of 'evitar'.

Él puede evitar el problema.

English translation of Él puede evitar el problema.

He can avoid the problem.

Here, 'evitar' is used to state the ability of someone to evade or keep clear from a problem.

Necesito evitar los dulces.

English translation of Necesito evitar los dulces.

I need to avoid sweets.

This phrase uses 'evitar' to express a personal need or desire to stay away from something, in this case, sweets. It implies a sense of restraint or self-control.

Es mejor evitar los conflictos.

English translation of Es mejor evitar los conflictos.

It's better to avoid conflicts.

In this phrase, 'evitar' is giving advice about the avoidance of conflict, suggesting that it is a better approach in the given situation.

Voy a evitar la cafeína.

English translation of Voy a evitar la cafeína.

I am going to avoid caffeine.

Here, 'evitar' is used to announce a future action of avoidance, in this case, the speaker plans to avoid consuming caffeine.

Estamos intentando evitar la multitud.

English translation of Estamos intentando evitar la multitud.

We are trying to avoid the crowd.

This phrase uses 'evitar' to express an ongoing attempt at avoiding something, in this instance, a crowd.

Sarah debe evitar llegar tarde.

English translation of Sarah debe evitar llegar tarde.

Sarah should avoid being late.

In this sentence, 'evitar' is used to convey the idea that Sarah should try to prevent a particular outcome, which is being late.

Quiero evitar desperdiciar tiempo.

English translation of Quiero evitar desperdiciar tiempo.

I want to avoid wasting time.

This example uses 'evitar' to express a personal desire to prevent something from happening, in this case, wasting time.

Debe evitar fumar.

English translation of Debe evitar fumar.

He should avoid smoking.

In this instance, 'evitar' is used to suggest that someone should abstain from a certain action, here, smoking, due to health implications or other negative consequences.

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