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English translation of Evangelio


The Spanish word 'Evangelio' translates to 'Gospel' in English. It is predominantly used in a religious context, particularly in Christianity, to refer to the teachings or revelation of Christ. The term 'Gospel' can also be used metaphorically to signify any doctrine or message that a person believes wholeheartedly.

Example sentences using: Evangelio

La moral del Evangelio se aplica a todas las situaciones de la vida.

English translation of La moral del Evangelio se aplica a todas las situaciones de la vida.

The morality of the Gospel applies to all life situations.

Here, 'Evangelio' is being used to communicate a belief that the moral guidance provided in the Gospel is applicable and useful, regardless of the specific life situation one is facing.

El Evangelio está atado a nuestra vida diaria.

English translation of El Evangelio está atado a nuestra vida diaria.

The Gospel is tied to our daily life.

In this sentence, 'Evangelio' refers to the Bible's New Testament teachings also known as 'the Gospel'. This expression is declaring that Gospel principles are integral to the speaker's everyday life.

Estudiamos el Evangelio cada domingo en la iglesia.

English translation of Estudiamos el Evangelio cada domingo en la iglesia.

We study the Gospel every Sunday at church.

This statement is using the term 'Evangelio' to refer to the teachings of Christianity typically studied and discussed during Sunday church services. It indicates a regular religious practice.

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