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English translation of eternidad


The Spanish word 'eternidad' translates to 'eternity' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to a state to which time has no end, the state which comes after death, or existing for a time that has no end. It can also signify an infinite or countless periods of time. Situations or feelings that appear to have no end or limit, or that last for a very extended period can also be described as 'eternity'. 'Eternidad' is often used in spiritual or poetic contexts in Spanish.

Example sentences using: eternidad

La eternidad es un camino largo y solitario.

English translation of La eternidad es un camino largo y solitario.

Eternity is a long and lonely road.

This phrase conveys the idea of eternity as a journey, emphasising its endless nature. It is often used to refer to perceptions of time in adverse circumstances, making it feel endless.

Cada minuto sin ti se siente como una eternidad.

English translation of Cada minuto sin ti se siente como una eternidad.

Every minute without you feels like an eternity.

This phrase is used to express the speaker's feeling of time progressing very slowly in the absence of a loved one usually in romantic contexts, effectively feeling like 'eternity'.

El arte es la eternidad capturada en un momento.

English translation of El arte es la eternidad capturada en un momento.

Art is eternity captured in a moment.

This phrase refers to the idea that through art, moments can be immortalized. Here, 'eternity' expresses the enduring nature of artwork.

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