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estructura textual

English translation of estructura textual

textual structure

The term 'estructura textual' in Spanish translates to 'textual structure' in English. Textual structure is the organization and framework of a piece of text. It refers to how content is arranged within a text- whether it's a direct statement, a sequence, or structured in a more complex method. Understanding the textual structure helps the reader to comprehend the content and the writer's intentions.

Example sentences using: estructura textual

La estructura textual de un ensayo académico incluye una introducción, desarrollo y conclusión.

English translation of La estructura textual de un ensayo académico incluye una introducción, desarrollo y conclusión.

The textual structure of an academic essay includes an introduction, development and conclusion.

This sentence is explaining the typical format of an academic essay in Spanish speaking context. It is saying that it should include an introduction, development, and conclusion segments, where 'development' represents the main body of the essay where arguments are presented.

Es importante entender la estructura textual de un poema para apreciar su belleza y significado.

English translation of Es importante entender la estructura textual de un poema para apreciar su belleza y significado.

It is important to understand the textual structure of a poem to appreciate its beauty and meaning.

This sentence tells about the importance of understanding the textual structure of a poem. It suggests that appreciating the beauty and the meaning of a poem requires a good understanding of its textual structure, such as stanzas, verses, and rhyme schemes in Spanish poetry.

La estructura textual de una novela podría incluir capítulos, secciones y divisiones más pequeñas como escenas.

English translation of La estructura textual de una novela podría incluir capítulos, secciones y divisiones más pequeñas como escenas.

The textual structure of a novel may include chapters, sections, and smaller divisions like scenes.

This sentence is expressing that a novel in a Spanish-speaking context may have a textual structure that includes several divisions, from chapters to smaller divisions like scenes. Emphasizing that the textual structure refers to the way a written work is organized.

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