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estropearse el día

English translation of estropearse el día

ruin the day

The term 'estropearse el día' in Spanish translates to 'ruin the day' in English. It is a common phrase used when a plan or a day doesn't go as expected due to an unfortunate event or mishap. The literal meaning is when a day gets spoiled or messed up. This phrase can be used in both formal and informal conversations, and it is a way of expressing discontent or dissatisfaction with the way events are proceeding during a particular day.

Example sentences using: estropearse el día

No dejes que una pequeña contrariedad estropee el día.

English translation of No dejes que una pequeña contrariedad estropee el día.

Don't let a minor setback ruin the day.

This phrase is used when trying to convey that minor inconveniences shouldn't affect the entire day.

Con todo el tráfico, se me estropeó el día.

English translation of Con todo el tráfico, se me estropeó el día.

All the traffic ruined my day.

This sentence is typically said when one's day is negatively affected due to high volumes of traffic.

Si deja de llover, el día no se estropeará.

English translation of Si deja de llover, el día no se estropeará.

If it stops raining, the day won't be ruined.

This phrase is used as a hopeful statement that if the rain stops, the day's plans won't be spoiled.

A pesar de que perdió su billetera, no se le estropeó el día.

English translation of A pesar de que perdió su billetera, no se le estropeó el día.

Even though he lost his wallet, it didn't ruin his day.

This sentence is often used to express that, despite a negative event, the day continues to be positive.

La energía positiva evita que te estropees el día.

English translation of La energía positiva evita que te estropees el día.

Positive energy prevents you from ruining your day.

This phrase implies that maintaining a positive outlook can help stop a day from being ruined.

Es demasiado temprano para que ya se te estropee el día.

English translation of Es demasiado temprano para que ya se te estropee el día.

It's too early for your day to already be ruined.

This sentence is used when someone is having a bad day early in the morning.

Espero que esto no te estropee el día.

English translation of Espero que esto no te estropee el día.

I hope this doesn't ruin your day.

This phrase is often used to express concern that something may negatively affect another person's day.

Aunque no te haya salido el examen, no dejes que se te estropee el día.

English translation of Aunque no te haya salido el examen, no dejes que se te estropee el día.

Even if your test didn't go well, don't let it ruin your day.

This sentence is usually advised to encourage someone not to let a poor test result affect their entire day.

Le estropeó el día cuando vio que su coche había sido remolcado.

English translation of Le estropeó el día cuando vio que su coche había sido remolcado.

His day was ruined when he saw his car had been towed.

This phrase is used to indicate that something (in this case, a car being towed) adversely affected someone's day.

La noticia de su despido estropeó su día.

English translation of La noticia de su despido estropeó su día.

The news of his dismissal ruined his day.

This sentence signifies that receiving negative news, like being dismissed from a job, can ruin one's day.

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