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estreno cinematográfico

English translation of estreno cinematográfico

Film premiere

The Spanish phrase 'estreno cinematográfico' translates to 'film premiere' in English. This refers to the initial showing or presentation of a movie. This event often takes place in a specific location, where the cast and crew of the movie convene to witness the first public viewing of their project. Such events are usually glamorized and are hallmarks of the film industry.

Example sentences using: estreno cinematográfico

La fecha del estreno cinematográfico ha sido pospuesta.

English translation of La fecha del estreno cinematográfico ha sido pospuesta.

The date of the film premiere has been postponed.

This sentence is used to communicate that the originally planned date for the release of a movie, referred to as 'estreno cinematográfico', has been delayed or pushed back to a later date.

¿Vamos al estreno cinematográfico esta noche?

English translation of ¿Vamos al estreno cinematográfico esta noche?

Are we going to the film premiere tonight?

The speaker is asking if the person or persons he/she is speaking to are planning to attend a movie premiere, 'estreno cinematográfico', taking place on the night of the conversation.

El estreno cinematográfico fue un gran éxito.

English translation of El estreno cinematográfico fue un gran éxito.

The film premiere was a big success.

This sentence is used to express that a movie's initial launch or release, 'estreno cinematográfico', was well-received and very successful.

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