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estrella fugaz

English translation of estrella fugaz

shooting star

The Spanish term 'estrella fugaz' translates to 'shooting star' in English. A shooting star, scientifically known as a meteor, is a small, rapidly moving celestial object that burns up in the Earth's atmosphere, creating a streak of light visible from our planet. This spectacular natural phenomenon can often be seen on a clear night sky. The term 'estrella fugaz' is often used in literature and poetry, symbolising fleeting moments or transient beauty.

Example sentences using: estrella fugaz

En la noche oscura, vi una estrella fugaz deslizarse por el cielo.

English translation of En la noche oscura, vi una estrella fugaz deslizarse por el cielo.

In the dark night, I saw a shooting star slide across the sky.

This sentence describes a physical situation someone experienced. It shows the usage of 'estrella fugaz' in describing a natural phenomenon.

Cuando veas una estrella fugaz, es costumbre hacer un deseo.

English translation of Cuando veas una estrella fugaz, es costumbre hacer un deseo.

When you see a shooting star, it is customary to make a wish.

This sentence explains a cultural custom related to shooting stars (estrella fugaz). In many cultures, it's believed that seeing a shooting star is an opportunity to make a wish that will come true.

La rapidez con la que desapareció la oportunidad fue similar a la de una estrella fugaz.

English translation of La rapidez con la que desapareció la oportunidad fue similar a la de una estrella fugaz.

The speed at which the opportunity disappeared was similar to that of a shooting star.

In this metaphorical use of 'estrella fugaz', the term is used to compare the fleeting experience of a shooting star to a quickly missed opportunity.

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