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estrechamiento de calzada

English translation of estrechamiento de calzada


The Spanish term 'estrechamiento de calzada' translates to 'road narrowing' or 'narrowing of the road' in English. It is a phrase that speaks to traffic and road conditions, typically used to warn drivers of upcoming changes in the road's width. It does not mean 'close-up' as stated earlier. Please note that contextual translation might vary slightly, however, it is widely understood to indicate a change in road conditions that requires drivers to take caution.

Example sentences using: estrechamiento de calzada

El estrechamiento de calzada a menudo causa congestión de tráfico.

English translation of El estrechamiento de calzada a menudo causa congestión de tráfico.

Narrowing of the road often causes traffic congestion.

The sentence is expressing that when a road gets narrower, it usually leads to backed-up traffic because there is less space for vehicles to move.

El proyecto de construcción incluye un estrechamiento de calzada para mejorar la seguridad de los peatones.

English translation of El proyecto de construcción incluye un estrechamiento de calzada para mejorar la seguridad de los peatones.

The construction project includes a narrowing of the road to improve pedestrian safety.

In this context, the sentence is suggesting that the construction project plans to narrow the road as a safety measure to protect pedestrians.

La señal de tráfico indica un estrechamiento de calzada a 500 metros.

English translation of La señal de tráfico indica un estrechamiento de calzada a 500 metros.

The traffic sign indicates a road narrowing within 500 meters.

This phrase indicates that according to the traffic sign there is a narrow part on the road that drivers will reach in about 500 meters.

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