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English translation of estrategia


The Spanish word for strategy is 'estrategia', which is used in the context of planning or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. It can be related to various contexts like war, politics, negotiations, businesses, games, or in a more general sense while developing a plan or a method or a series of maneuvers to achieve a specific goal.

Example sentences using: estrategia

Nuestra estrategia de negocios es efectiva.

English translation of Nuestra estrategia de negocios es efectiva.

Our business strategy is effective.

The phrase explains that the business strategy implemented by the team is delivering good results. 'Nuestra' is Our, 'estrategia' is strategy, 'de' is of, 'negocios' is business, and 'es' is is.

Su estrategia para ganar el juego es impresionante.

English translation of Su estrategia para ganar el juego es impresionante.

Your strategy to win the game is impressive.

The phrase is expressing admiration for someone's game plan. 'Su' means your, 'estrategia' strategy, 'para' is for, 'ganar' is win, 'el juego' is the game, 'es' is is, and 'impresionante' is impressive.

Necesitamos una nueva estrategia para crecer.

English translation of Necesitamos una nueva estrategia para crecer.

We need a new strategy to grow.

The speaker is calling for a change in the game plan for growth. 'Necesitamos' is We need, 'una' is a, 'nueva' is new, 'estrategia' is strategy, 'para' is to, and 'crecer' is grow.

La estrategia del profesor de matemáticas para enseñar es eficiente.

English translation of La estrategia del profesor de matemáticas para enseñar es eficiente.

The math teacher's strategy for teaching is efficient.

This sentence is complimenting a math teacher's methodology. 'La' is The, 'estrategia' is strategy, 'del' is of the, 'profesor de matemáticas' is math teacher, 'para' is to, 'enseñar' is teach, 'es' is is, and 'eficiente' is efficient.

Estoy desarrollando una estrategia para mejorar mi español.

English translation of Estoy desarrollando una estrategia para mejorar mi español.

I'm developing a strategy to improve my Spanish.

The sentence indicates that the speaker is creating a plan to enhance their Spanish language skills. 'Estoy desarrollando' is I'm developing, 'una' is a, 'estrategia' is strategy, 'para' is to, 'mejorar' is improve, 'mi' is my, and 'español' is Spanish.

El ejército tiene una estrategia para la batalla.

English translation of El ejército tiene una estrategia para la batalla.

The army has a strategy for the battle.

This sentence says that the military has a specific plan for an upcoming battle. 'El ejército' is the army, 'tiene' is has, 'una' is a, 'estrategia' is strategy, 'para' is for, 'la batalla' is the battle.

María trazó la estrategia de nuestro proyecto.

English translation of María trazó la estrategia de nuestro proyecto.

Maria sketched out the strategy for our project.

In this sentence, Maria is planning a strategy for a project. 'María trazó' is Maria sketched out, 'la' is the, 'estrategia' is strategy, 'de nuestro proyecto' is of our project.

¿Cuál es tu estrategia para el examen?

English translation of ¿Cuál es tu estrategia para el examen?

What's your strategy for the exam?

The speaker is asking about the other person's plan to succeed in the test. '¿Cuál es' is What's, 'tu' is your, 'estrategia' is strategy, 'para' is for, 'el examen?' is the exam.

Estudio la estrategia de mercado de diversas empresas.

English translation of Estudio la estrategia de mercado de diversas empresas.

I study the market strategy of various companies.

The sentence indicates that the speaker researches the marketing plan of several businesses. 'Estudio' is I study, 'la' is the, 'estrategia' is strategy, 'de mercado' is market, 'de' is of, 'diversas' is various, 'empresas' is companies.

La estrategia de mis padres para ahorrar dinero es simple pero efectiva.

English translation of La estrategia de mis padres para ahorrar dinero es simple pero efectiva.

My parents' strategy for saving money is simple but effective.

The speaker is describing his/her parents' financial planning as easy to implement but beneficial. 'La estrategia de mis padres' is my parents' strategy, 'para' is for, 'ahorrar dinero' is saving money, 'es' is is, 'simple pero efectiva' is simple but effective.

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