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estilo rebuscado

English translation of estilo rebuscado

sophisticated style

The term 'estilo rebuscado' in Spanish can be translated into English as 'affected style'. In a broader context, it denotes a style, particularly in language or artistic expression, that is overly complicated and generally involves a deliberate and exaggerated display of complexity. This can, on occasion, lead to obscurity in comprehension. Typically, 'estilo rebuscado' is often associated with pompousness, artifice, or trying to impress others with one's apparent depth or sophistication, which might not necessarily be the reality.

Example sentences using: estilo rebuscado

Mi profesor siempre utiliza un estilo rebuscado cuando habla.

English translation of Mi profesor siempre utiliza un estilo rebuscado cuando habla.

My teacher always uses an elaborate style when he speaks.

This sentence expresses that the speaker's teacher habitually uses a complex or intricate style (estilo rebuscado) in his speech.

El estilo rebuscado de su escritura puede ser difícil de entender a veces.

English translation of El estilo rebuscado de su escritura puede ser difícil de entender a veces.

The elaborate style of her writing can sometimes be hard to understand.

In this example, the speaker is saying that the individual's writing style, described as 'elaborate' or 'estilo rebuscado' in Spanish, can occasionally be challenging to comprehend, likely due to its complexity or intricacy.

A pesar de su estilo rebuscado, logró transmitir su mensaje con claridad.

English translation of A pesar de su estilo rebuscado, logró transmitir su mensaje con claridad.

Despite his elaborate style, he managed to convey his message clearly.

Here, even though the person's style is complex or intricate (estilo rebuscado), they were still able to communicate their message effectively and clearly, thus demonstrating a balance between complexity and clarity in their communication style.

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