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estilo propio

English translation of estilo propio


'Estilo propio' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'own style' in English. It does not merely refer to style in a generic sense but to a style that is distinctive or unique to a person or thing. It could pertain to one's personal fashion sense, a unique method of doing things, or an individual artistic expression, among others things. This phrase emphasizes individuality and personal touch in the context it is used.

Example sentences using: estilo propio

El escritor tiene un estilo propio que es fácil de identificar.

English translation of El escritor tiene un estilo propio que es fácil de identificar.

The writer has a distinctive style that is easy to identify.

This sentence describes a writer who has a unique (or 'own') style that makes their writing easily recognizable. The term 'estilo propio' translates as 'own style' or 'distinctive style', emphasizing the individuality and uniqueness of the writer's craft.

Es importante desarrollar un estilo propio en el arte.

English translation of Es importante desarrollar un estilo propio en el arte.

It is important to develop a distinctive style in art.

This sentence underlines the importance of creating a unique, 'own style' in art. It means that an artist should strive to develop a unique approach or technique that sets their artwork apart from others.

En nuestra casa, tenemos un estilo propio de decoración.

English translation of En nuestra casa, tenemos un estilo propio de decoración.

In our house, we have a distinctive style of decoration.

In this context, 'estilo propio' refers to a unique decoration style applied to someone's house. It suggests that the design of the house reflects the tastes and preferences of the people who live there, making it distinct from other houses.

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