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estilo pictórico

English translation of estilo pictórico

pictorial style

The term 'estilo pictórico' in Spanish translates to 'pictorial style' in English. This is a term often used in the art world to refer to the unique and distinct manner in which an artist paints, or the characteristics and techniques used in their artwork. It can be used to categorize art into various types or periods based on these stylistic features. The specific 'estilo pictórico' of a work can often give us insight into the artist's intentions and influences.

Example sentences using: estilo pictórico

Mi estilo pictórico favorito es el impresionismo.

English translation of Mi estilo pictórico favorito es el impresionismo.

My favorite pictorial style is Impressionism.

This statement expresses a preference for the Impressionist art style, known for its emphasis on capturing the immediate visual impression of a scene, often highlighting the effects of light and color.

El estilo pictórico de Picasso evolucionó a lo largo de su carrera.

English translation of El estilo pictórico de Picasso evolucionó a lo largo de su carrera.

Picasso's pictorial style evolved throughout his career.

This sentence discusses the artistic evolution of renowned painter Pablo Picasso. Picasso's style is known to have changed and developed significantly over the course of his years as an artist.

Creo que este paisaje tiene un estilo pictórico romántico.

English translation of Creo que este paisaje tiene un estilo pictórico romántico.

I think this landscape has a Romantic pictorial style.

The speaker is offering their opinion that a certain landscape artwork exhibits elements characteristic of the Romantic style of art. The Romantic movement placed emphasis on strong emotion, the awe of nature, and a break from following rigid artistic conventions.

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