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estilo escultórico

English translation of estilo escultórico

sculptural style

The term 'estilo escultórico' directly translates from Spanish to English as 'sculptural style'. It refers to the distinct techniques, methods, and aesthetic principles that a sculptor uses in the creation of their work. Much like a writer might have a unique writing style, a sculptor has a unique sculptural style. This can include decisions about form, material, texture, scale, and more. Recognizing and understanding different sculptural styles can deepen the appreciation and analysis of sculptures.

Example sentences using: estilo escultórico

Estoy estudiando el estilo escultórico de la era precolombina.

English translation of Estoy estudiando el estilo escultórico de la era precolombina.

I'm studying the sculptural style of the pre-Columbian era.

This sentence is saying that the speaker is studying the sculptural art from the pre-Columbian era, emphasizing the artistic approach and techniques used during this period in history.

El estilo escultórico del artista es muy único.

English translation of El estilo escultórico del artista es muy único.

The sculptural style of the artist is very unique.

In this sentence, we are describing the unique style of the artist's sculptures. 'Estilo escultórico' refers to sculptural style, characterizing the way in which the artist creates their sculptures.

Existen diferencias notables entre el estilo escultórico del renacimiento y el del barroco.

English translation of Existen diferencias notables entre el estilo escultórico del renacimiento y el del barroco.

There are notable differences between the renaissance and baroque sculptural style.

This sentence describes the contrast between two different historical periods of art, the renaissance and the baroque. 'Estilo escultórico' is used here to distinguish their unique approaches to sculpture.

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