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English translation of estatua


The word 'estatua' in Spanish translates to 'statue' in English. A statue is a free-standing sculpture in which real or imaginary people or animals, or, less commonly, things are represented. Usually found in public places, statues are an integral part of architecture and history, symbolizing important events or people from the past.

Example sentences using: estatua

La estatua en el centro de la plaza es muy famosa.

English translation of La estatua en el centro de la plaza es muy famosa.

The statue in the center of the square is very famous.

This example shows how to use 'estatua' to refer to a statue which is located in a specific place. In Spanish, you typically use the construction 'la estatua en' to say 'the statue in'.

¿Has visto la estatua dedicada a la libertad?

English translation of ¿Has visto la estatua dedicada a la libertad?

Have you seen the statue dedicated to liberty?

In this example, 'estatua' is used within a question. The structure of the question in Spanish is similar to English, beginning with an interrogative word, '¿Has visto', similar to 'Have you seen'.

Esta estatua fue creada por un artista local.

English translation of Esta estatua fue creada por un artista local.

This statue was created by a local artist.

This sentence shows how to use 'estatua' to provide details about the creation of a statue. In Spanish, to say something was created by someone, you can use 'fue creada por', the same as 'was created by' in English.

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