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estar rebosante de satisfacción

English translation of estar rebosante de satisfacción

to be overflowing with satisfaction

The phrase 'estar rebosante de satisfacción' in Spanish translates to 'to be overflowing with satisfaction' in English. It describes a state of immense happiness or contentment that surpasses ordinary levels of pleasure. When someone feels this way, they are so satisfied that their joy seems to overflow, often radiating outwardly in their demeanor and interactions. It can refer to personal achievements, experiences, or even relationships where one feels a profound sense of fulfillment and joy.

Example sentences using: estar rebosante de satisfacción

Después de completar el proyecto, todos estaban rebosantes de satisfacción.

English translation of Después de completar el proyecto, todos estaban rebosantes de satisfacción.

After completing the project, everyone was overflowing with satisfaction.

This phrase illustrates a moment of achievement where a group feels immense joy and fulfillment following the successful completion of a significant task.

Al recibir la noticia de su ascenso, ella estaba rebosante de satisfacción.

English translation of Al recibir la noticia de su ascenso, ella estaba rebosante de satisfacción.

Upon receiving the news of her promotion, she was overflowing with satisfaction.

This example shows an individual's emotional response to good news, highlighting her overwhelming happiness and pride in her accomplishment.

El niño estaba rebosante de satisfacción al ver su dibujo en la nevera.

English translation of El niño estaba rebosante de satisfacción al ver su dibujo en la nevera.

The boy was overflowing with satisfaction upon seeing his drawing on the fridge.

Here, the phrase captures the innocent joy of a child who feels validated and proud when his work is recognized and displayed, reflecting a simple yet profound moment of happiness.

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