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estar mal educado

English translation of estar mal educado

being poorly educated

The Spanish phrase 'estar mal educado' translates to 'being poorly educated' in English. This phrase is used to describe a person who lacks proper manners, courtesy, and respect. It can also refer to an individual who did not receive adequate or high-quality education. The phrase contains the verb 'estar', which means 'to be' and is typically used to describe transient or changing states, 'mal' translates to 'badly or poorly' and 'educado' means 'educated' or 'brought up'. Together, they construct a phrase critical of someone's education or rearing.

Example sentences using: estar mal educado

No está bien estar mal educado en una reunión de negocios.

English translation of No está bien estar mal educado en una reunión de negocios.

It's not good to be rude at a business meeting.

This sentence implies that being rude or having bad manners at a business meeting is unacceptable. It stresses on the etiquette that needs to be maintained in professional settings.

Mi padre siempre decía que estar mal educado es una falta de respeto.

English translation of Mi padre siempre decía que estar mal educado es una falta de respeto.

My father always said that being rude is a lack of respect.

This sentence expresses the speaker's father's view that being rude equates to having no respect for others.

No deberías estar mal educado con las personas que están tratando de ayudarte.

English translation of No deberías estar mal educado con las personas que están tratando de ayudarte.

You shouldn't be rude to people who are trying to help you.

This sentence advises against being disrespectful to people who offer help, stating that it's inappropriate.

Los estudiantes que están mal educados a menudo tienen problemas en la escuela.

English translation of Los estudiantes que están mal educados a menudo tienen problemas en la escuela.

Students who are rude often have problems at school.

This sentence connects rudeness with difficulties in school, reflecting how rude behavior can lead to problems in an academic environment.

No quiero que pienses que estoy tratando de estar mal educado.

English translation of No quiero que pienses que estoy tratando de estar mal educado.

I don't want you to think I'm trying to be rude.

Here, the speaker is expressing their reluctance to come across as being rude, indicating a concern about the possible interpretation of their behaviour.

Debemos tratar de comprender por qué él parece estar mal educado.

English translation of Debemos tratar de comprender por qué él parece estar mal educado.

We should try to understand why he seems to be rude.

This sentence suggests that there might be reasons behind someone's rudeness and emphasizes understanding rather than judging.

Es fácil para las personas estar mal educadas en las redes sociales.

English translation of Es fácil para las personas estar mal educadas en las redes sociales.

It's easy for people to be rude on social media.

This sentence indicates that social media platforms can often enable or encourage rudeness.

Algunas personas no se dan cuenta de que pueden estar mal educadas.

English translation of Algunas personas no se dan cuenta de que pueden estar mal educadas.

Some people do not realize that they may be rude.

This statement points out the fact that some individuals might not be aware of their own rude behavior.

Podrías estar mal educado sin saberlo.

English translation of Podrías estar mal educado sin saberlo.

You could be rude without knowing it.

This sentence states an uncomfortable truth – that one can exhibit rude behavior without consciously realising it.

Tratar a alguien mal está considerado estar mal educado.

English translation of Tratar a alguien mal está considerado estar mal educado.

Treating someone badly is considered being rude.

This sentence conveys a social norm that negatively treating someone is generally perceived as rude behavior.

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