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estar en libertad vigilada

English translation of estar en libertad vigilada

being on probation

The Spanish phrase 'estar en libertad vigilada' translates to 'being on probation' in English. Probation is a legal term referring to the status of a person who is conditionally released into the community by the courts, typically under supervision, after serving time in prison. In this circumstance, the individual is expected to follow certain restrictions and is subject to periodic check-ins with probation officers to ensure compliance.

Example sentences using: estar en libertad vigilada

A pesar de estar en libertad vigilada, Jorge decidió romper las reglas.

English translation of A pesar de estar en libertad vigilada, Jorge decidió romper las reglas.

Despite being on parole, Jorge decided to break the rules.

In this sentence, the term 'estar en libertad vigilada' is used to explain Jorge's conditional freedom, which he risks by deciding to break the rules.

Después de pasar cinco años en prisión, Carlos estaba ansioso por estar en libertad vigilada.

English translation of Después de pasar cinco años en prisión, Carlos estaba ansioso por estar en libertad vigilada.

After spending five years in prison, Carlos was eager to be on parole.

This example illustrates Carlos's anticipation to transition from being in prison to a condition of supervised freedom, represented by the term 'estar en libertad vigilada'.

El juez acordó que Pedro pudiera estar en libertad vigilada en lugar de una condena de prisión.

English translation of El juez acordó que Pedro pudiera estar en libertad vigilada en lugar de una condena de prisión.

The judge agreed that Pedro could be on parole instead of a prison sentence.

In this sentence, 'estar en libertad vigilada' indicates a legal decision made by the judge, allowing Pedro a state of monitored freedom instead of going to prison.

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