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estar en libertad bajo fianza

English translation of estar en libertad bajo fianza

on bail

'Estar en libertad bajo fianza' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'on bail' in English. It's a legal term used to describe the conditional release of a defendant with the promise that they will return for court dates. This phrase is often utilized in legal situations where an individual has been arrested and a certain amount of money is paid to secure their temporary release from police custody. The phrase contains three main words: 'estar' which means 'to be', 'libertad' which means 'freedom' and 'fianza' which refers to 'bail' or a security deposit.

Example sentences using: estar en libertad bajo fianza

Mi abogado cree que podre estar en libertad bajo fianza mañana.

English translation of Mi abogado cree que podre estar en libertad bajo fianza mañana.

My lawyer believes that I may be released on bail tomorrow.

In this example, the phrase 'estar en libertad bajo fianza' is used to express the possibility of someone being released from jail provided some monetary assurance (bail). 'Mi abogado cree que podre' means 'my lawyer believes that I may.'

Si logramos probar tu inocencia, podrías estar en libertad bajo fianza.

English translation of Si logramos probar tu inocencia, podrías estar en libertad bajo fianza.

If we can prove your innocence, you could be released on bail.

In this sentence, 'estar en libertad bajo fianza' is used to indicate a condition where the subject's release on bail is dependent on the proof of their innocence. 'Si logramos probar tu inocencia' means 'if we can prove your innocence.'

A pesar de los argumentos de su abogado, no pudo estar en libertad bajo fianza.

English translation of A pesar de los argumentos de su abogado, no pudo estar en libertad bajo fianza.

Despite his lawyer's arguments, he could not be released on bail.

This example uses the phrase 'estar en libertad bajo fianza' to communicate the inability of someone to secure release on bail despite attempts by their lawyer. 'A pesar de los argumentos de su abogado' means 'despite his lawyer's arguments.'

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