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estar en auge

English translation of estar en auge

to be booming

'Estar en auge' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'to be booming' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a situation, business, or trend that is rapidly growing, expanding or becoming very popular. It is commonly used in economy and business contexts to indicate that something is at the peak of its success or progress. However, it can also be used in general conversations to depict anything that is currently thriving or in its prime time.

Example sentences using: estar en auge

La industria de la tecnología parece estar en auge en este momento.

English translation of La industria de la tecnología parece estar en auge en este momento.

The technology industry seems to be booming right now.

This sentence indicates that the technology industry is currently experiencing rapid growth or popularity, which is what 'estar en auge' refers to.

Las empresas de alimentos saludables están definitivamente en auge.

English translation of Las empresas de alimentos saludables están definitivamente en auge.

Healthy food businesses are definitely booming.

Here, 'estar en auge' is used to communicate that healthy food businesses are presently doing very well or becoming very popular.

La energía solar parece estar en auge en nuestra ciudad.

English translation of La energía solar parece estar en auge en nuestra ciudad.

Solar energy seems to be booming in our city.

In this context, 'estar en auge' is being used to signify that solar energy is growing rapidly or becoming very popular in the speaker's city.

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