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estar cuerdo

English translation of estar cuerdo

be sane

'Estar cuerdo' is a Spanish term that, in English, means to be sane or rational. It is often used to describe individuals who are mentally well, sensible, or reasonable. Notably, this phrase isn't strictly literal, as it relies on cultural understanding of mental wellness as sanity. This makes it a good example of how language can reflect cultural beliefs and social values.

Example sentences using: estar cuerdo

Antes de tomar esa decisión, debes estar cuerdo.

English translation of Antes de tomar esa decisión, debes estar cuerdo.

Before making that decision, you must be sane.

This example emphasizes sanity as a precondition before making a decision.

No puedes conducir si no puedes demostrar que estás cuerdo.

English translation of No puedes conducir si no puedes demostrar que estás cuerdo.

You can't drive if you can't prove you're sane.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of mental health evaluation before driving.

Es importante estar cuerdo para tomar decisiones vitales.

English translation of Es importante estar cuerdo para tomar decisiones vitales.

It is important to be sane to make vital decisions.

This sentence highlights the need to have clear and sane thinking when making vital decisions.

Los jueces tienen que estar cuerdos para dar un veredicto justo.

English translation of Los jueces tienen que estar cuerdos para dar un veredicto justo.

Judges have to be sane to give a fair verdict.

This phrase is referring to the sanity required as a baseline for fair judgement.

Para ingresar a la universidad, necesitas demostrar que estás cuerdo.

English translation of Para ingresar a la universidad, necesitas demostrar que estás cuerdo.

To enter college, you need to prove you're sane.

This sentence emphasizes that sanity is required for college admission.

Tienes que estar cuerdo para mantener una conversación serena.

English translation of Tienes que estar cuerdo para mantener una conversación serena.

You have to be sane to maintain a serene conversation.

This sentence is about the state of mind needed to carry on a calm conversation.

Para estar en política, tienes que estar cuerdo.

English translation of Para estar en política, tienes que estar cuerdo.

To be in politics, you have to be sane.

This sentence demonstrates that mental stability is necessary in political life.

Para poder trabajar en este proyecto, tienes que estar cuerdo.

English translation of Para poder trabajar en este proyecto, tienes que estar cuerdo.

To work on this project, you need to be sane.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of a sound mind while working on projects.

Para mantener una vida equilibrada, tienes que estar cuerdo.

English translation of Para mantener una vida equilibrada, tienes que estar cuerdo.

To maintain a balanced life, you have to be sane.

The phrase emphasizes that sanity is crucial to achieving life balance.

Uno tiene que estar cuerdo para entender la física cuántica.

English translation of Uno tiene que estar cuerdo para entender la física cuántica.

One has to be sane to understand quantum physics.

This example is underlining that deep understanding and sanity go hand in hand.

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