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estar bien educado

English translation of estar bien educado

being well educated

The Spanish phrase 'estar bien educado' translates to 'being well educated' in English. This not only refers to an individual who has received a good level of education, but also to someone who is well-mannered and raised with good values. It is used to indicate both academic achievements and a person's character and behavior.

Example sentences using: estar bien educado

Estar bien educado es una responsabilidad personal.

English translation of Estar bien educado es una responsabilidad personal.

Being well-educated is a personal responsibility.

This phrase indicates that attaining a good education is an individual's responsibility.

Para trabajar aquí necesitas estar bien educado.

English translation of Para trabajar aquí necesitas estar bien educado.

To work here you need to be well educated.

This sentence implies that a good education is a requirement to get a job in this specific place.

Es vital para los niños estar bien educado.

English translation of Es vital para los niños estar bien educado.

It is vital for children to be well educated.

In this context, the phrase emphasizes the importance of good education for children's development.

Javier hizo un esfuerzo para estar bien educado.

English translation of Javier hizo un esfuerzo para estar bien educado.

Javier made an effort to be well educated.

This sentence denotes someone's effort to attain a good education.

Los profesores aspiran a que sus alumnos puedan estar bien educados.

English translation of Los profesores aspiran a que sus alumnos puedan estar bien educados.

Teachers aspire for their students to be well educated.

This sentence indicates that teachers hope their students will receive a good education.

Ella siempre ha estado a favor de estar bien educada.

English translation of Ella siempre ha estado a favor de estar bien educada.

She has always been in favor of being well-educated.

This phrase implies someone's belief in the value of good education.

Su sueño es estar bien educado.

English translation of Su sueño es estar bien educado.

His dream is to be well educated.

This sentence depicts someone's dream of getting a good education.

Los padres quieren que sus hijos estén bien educados.

English translation of Los padres quieren que sus hijos estén bien educados.

Parents want their children to be well educated.

This sentence reflects the parental aspiration for their children to receive a good education.

La sociedad necesita a personas que estén bien educadas.

English translation of La sociedad necesita a personas que estén bien educadas.

Society needs people who are well educated.

This phrase suggests the necessity of well-educated individuals for the benefit of society.

Para competir en el mercado laboral, debes estar bien educado.

English translation of Para competir en el mercado laboral, debes estar bien educado.

To compete in the job market, you must be well-educated.

This sentence highlights the need for a solid education to be competitive in the job market.

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