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estar arruinado

English translation of estar arruinado

being ruined

The Spanish phrase 'estar arruinado' translates to 'being ruined' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as financial difficulties where someone might be bankrupt or having severe monetary losses. Similarly, it can also denote anything damaged beyond repair, either physically or metaphorically such as in the case of reputation. However, and particularly important, it's not usually associated with emotional states but rather with situations or external conditions.

Example sentences using: estar arruinado

Después de las vacaciones, mi cuenta bancaria puede estar arruinada.

English translation of Después de las vacaciones, mi cuenta bancaria puede estar arruinada.

After the vacations, my bank account might be ruined.

In this sentence, 'estar arruinada' is used to express the possible state of the person's bank account after spending a lot during vacations. 'Estar arruinado' is generally used to describe the condition of being financially ruined or broke.

Si pierdes ese empleo, podrías estar arruinado.

English translation of Si pierdes ese empleo, podrías estar arruinado.

If you lose that job, you could be ruined.

This sentence implies the possible financial crisis one might face upon losing their job, making them 'estar arruinado', or, in other words, financially ruined or bankrupt.

El restaurante puede estar arruinado después de un mal review en línea.

English translation of El restaurante puede estar arruinado después de un mal review en línea.

The restaurant might be ruined after a bad online review.

This case illustrates 'estar arruinado' as used to express a negative situation affecting something or someone, here referring to a restaurant that might face financial or reputational ruin after receiving a bad online review.

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