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estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos

English translation of estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos

accused of an offence of ill-treatment

The Spanish phrase 'estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos' translates to 'accused of an offence of ill-treatment' in English. It refers to the situation where someone is legally accused or charged with a crime that involves mistreatment or abuse of another being. This term is often used in legal contexts, such as in court accusations, criminal charges, or legal documents. It refers to serious allegations that require solid proof or evidence to support them.

Example sentences using: estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos

El famoso actor va a estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos por la fiscalía local.

English translation of El famoso actor va a estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos por la fiscalía local.

The famous actor is going to be accused of a crime of mistreatment by the local prosecutor's office.

In this example, the verb 'estar' indicates a future state the famous actor may find himself in, being accused of a crime. 'Malos tratos' is a term specifically referring to the mistreatment of others.

Juro que yo no debería estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos.

English translation of Juro que yo no debería estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos.

I swear that I should not be accused of a crime of mistreatment.

In this sentence, the speaker uses 'estar' to express their current state of being wrongly accused. The term 'malos tratos' refers to the crime they're being accused of, which is mistreatment.

Mi abogado dice que pude estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos si no tengo cuidado.

English translation of Mi abogado dice que pude estar acusado de un delito de malos tratos si no tengo cuidado.

My lawyer says that I could be accused of a crime of mistreatment if I'm not careful.

This example uses 'estar acusado' to describe a potential, future state - being accused of the crime of mistreatment. Advice from the speaker's lawyer implies that the speaker's actions could lead to such a state.

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