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English translation of estado


The word 'estado' in Spanish translates to 'state' in English. It's used in a similar context, such as when referring to the condition of someone or something, a state in a country, or expressing a particular condition that something is in. An example phrase would be 'El estado de la habitación' which translates to 'The state of the room.'

Example sentences using: estado

Hemos estado en esa ciudad antes.

English translation of Hemos estado en esa ciudad antes.

We have been in that city before.

This phrase uses the past perfect tense of the verb 'estar' indicating a past action that has relevance to the present moment. The verb 'estado' is used to describe a previous state or situation.

El coche esta en buen estado.

English translation of El coche esta en buen estado.

The car is in a good state.

Here, 'estado' is used as a noun referring to the condition of an object, in this case a car. It signifies the overall health or functionality of the car.

México es un estado de América del Norte.

English translation of México es un estado de América del Norte.

Mexico is a state of North America.

Here, 'estado' is used to denote political entities within a continent, in this case North America. It refers to Mexico as a country.

El proyecto está en estado de progreso.

English translation of El proyecto está en estado de progreso.

The project is in a state of progress.

In this sentence, 'estado' refers to the phase or condition of the project. It indicates ongoing work or effort in the project.

Yo estoy contento con mi estado civil.

English translation of Yo estoy contento con mi estado civil.

I am happy with my marital status.

In this context, 'estado' refers to a person's marital condition. It can represent whether someone is single, married, divorced, or widowed.

Mi mamá ha estado enferma.

English translation of Mi mamá ha estado enferma.

My mom has been sick.

This phrase uses the past perfect tense of verb 'estar' to describe someone's health condition in the past.

El estado del tiempo es bueno hoy.

English translation of El estado del tiempo es bueno hoy.

The state of the weather is good today.

In this sentence, 'estado' refers to the condition of weather. It indicates the current climatic situation.

Las bueno estado

English translation of Las bueno estado

The tires are in good condition.

Here, 'estado' is used to point out the condition of an object, tires in this context. This means they are functioning well or not too worn out.

El agua está en estado gaseoso.

English translation of El agua está en estado gaseoso.

The water is in a gaseous state.

In this sentence, 'estado' refers to the physical condition of water. It tells about the form in which water currently exists.

El estado financiero de la empresa es estable.

English translation of El estado financiero de la empresa es estable.

The financial situation of the company is stable.

In this context, 'estado' refers to the financial condition of a company. It could reflect whether the business is making profits, losses, or a steady income.

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