The Spanish word 'estadística' translates to 'statistics' in English. 'Estadística' can refer to both the science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large amounts, especially for inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample. It also refers to a fact or piece of data from statistical study. Like the English word 'statistics', 'estadística' is used in both a singular and plural sense in Spanish.
Statistics is a very important discipline.
In this sentence, 'estadística' is used as a noun that refers to the academic discipline of statistics, highlighting its importance in the context.
I am going to study the statistics of the football match.
In this context, 'estadística' is referring to the data or statistics gathered from a football match. Studying these can help form strategies and better understand performance.
The statistic shows that climate change is a real problem.
Here 'estadística' is used to refer to a specific statistic or piece of data. This statistic is demonstrating or proving the fact that climate change is a real issue.