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estación espacial

English translation of estación espacial

Space station

The Spanish term 'estación espacial' translates to 'space station' in English. A space station is a large spacecraft that remains in low Earth orbit for extended periods of time. It is a home where astronauts live and work. The International Space Station, known as 'la Estación Espacial Internacional' in Spanish, is a space station inhabited by astronauts from around the world, conducting scientific research and experiments in a variety of fields.

Example sentences using: estación espacial

La estación espacial está orbitando la Tierra.

English translation of La estación espacial está orbitando la Tierra.

The space station is orbiting Earth.

In this sentence, 'estación espacial' is used to refer to an artificial satellite, the space station. It is explained in this sentence that the space station is currently orbiting Earth.

Es difícil vivir en una estación espacial debido a la falta de gravedad.

English translation of Es difícil vivir en una estación espacial debido a la falta de gravedad.

Living in a space station is difficult due to the lack of gravity.

This sentence uses 'estación espacial' to discuss the unique living conditions in a space station. It explains the difficulty posed by the lack of gravity when living in the space station.

Una estación espacial puede alojar a varios astronautas a la vez.

English translation of Una estación espacial puede alojar a varios astronautas a la vez.

A space station can accommodate several astronauts at once.

In this example, 'estación espacial' describes the structure's ability to house multiple astronauts at the same time. This exposes students to the concept that space stations are, in fact, large enough to accommodate many people.

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