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English translation of establo


The Spanish word 'establo' translates to 'stable' in English. In context, it refers to the building where domesticated animals, especially horses, are kept. It is often used in the context of farming and equestrian activities. It's essential to observe that the Spanish term 'establo' has a similar usage and meaning as the English term 'stable'. Therefore, one can understand and use it effortlessly in conversations related to farming, horse-riding, or country life in general.

Example sentences using: establo

El establo es un lugar donde viven los caballos

English translation of El establo es un lugar donde viven los caballos

The stable is a place where horses live

This sentence is a basic description of what a stable is, defining it as a place where horses live.

Huele a heno fresco en el establo

English translation of Huele a heno fresco en el establo

It smells like fresh hay in the stable

This sentence is describing the scent you might encounter in a stable, such as the smell of fresh hay.

Vamos a limpiar el establo

English translation of Vamos a limpiar el establo

We are going to clean the stable

This sentence is expressing an upcoming action to clean the stable.

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