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espuma de afeitar

English translation of espuma de afeitar

shaving foam

Espuma de afeitar is a Spanish term that translates to 'shaving foam' in English. This substance, often presented in an aerosol can, is commonly used in the process of shaving. Its main purpose is to soften up the hair and skin, making it easier for the razor to glide across the skin and trim the hair without causing damage or discomfort. Additionally, the foam typically contains moisturizing and soothing elements that leave the skin smooth and hydrated after the process.

Example sentences using: espuma de afeitar

He olvidado comprar espuma de afeitar.

English translation of He olvidado comprar espuma de afeitar.

I have forgotten to buy shaving foam.

This phrase can be used in a common scenario where someone forgets to buy an item, in this case, shaving foam, from the grocery store.

El olor de la espuma de afeitar de mi padre siempre me recuerda la infancia.

English translation of El olor de la espuma de afeitar de mi padre siempre me recuerda la infancia.

The smell of my father's shaving foam always reminds me of childhood.

This phrase is a sentimental statement that could be used to convey the deep connections that can be formed through simple reminders of past experiences, like the smell of a father's shaving foam.

Necesitarás más espuma de afeitar para cubrir toda esa barba.

English translation of Necesitarás más espuma de afeitar para cubrir toda esa barba.

You will need more shaving foam to cover all that beard.

This phrase is a playful or teasing comment that could be made to someone with a large beard, suggesting that they will need a generous amount of shaving foam to completely cover it.

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