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English translation of esperar


In Spanish, 'esperar' is used when we want to express waiting. Just as in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts. For example: 'Esperar en la fila' (Wait in line), 'Esperar a alguien' (Wait for someone), or 'Esperar que algo suceda' (Wait for something to happen). It's also used to express hope or expectation e.g. 'Espero que estés bien' (I hope you're well).

Example sentences using: esperar

Voy a esperar a mi amiga en el cine.

English translation of Voy a esperar a mi amiga en el cine.

I'm going to wait for my friend at the cinema.

This sentence is used to express future plans. It connotates anticipation or expectation for something or someone.

No puedo esperar a ver la nueva película.

English translation of No puedo esperar a ver la nueva película.

I can't wait to see the new movie.


Espero que tenga un buen día.

English translation of Espero que tenga un buen día.

I hope you have a good day.

This is a commonly used phrase to wish someone well.

Vamos a esperar a que deje de llover.

English translation of Vamos a esperar a que deje de llover.

We're going to wait for it to stop raining.

This sentence expresses a condition for actions that will take place in the future.

Ella puede esperar hasta la fiesta.

English translation of Ella puede esperar hasta la fiesta.

She can wait until the party.

This sentence expresses a person's capability to postpone an event.

Por favor, espera un momento.

English translation of Por favor, espera un momento.

Please, wait a moment.

This phrase is often asked to request someone to pause for a short period of time.

Tienes que esperar tu turno.

English translation of Tienes que esperar tu turno.

You have to wait your turn.

This is a standard phrase used to urge patience and respect for the order of events.

Ellos esperan que lleguemos a tiempo.

English translation of Ellos esperan que lleguemos a tiempo.

They expect us to arrive on time.

This sentence express anticipation with an outcome or result.

El perro está esperando a su dueño.

English translation of El perro está esperando a su dueño.

The dog is waiting for its owner.

This is a simple declarative sentence indicating the actions of waiting.

Espera aquí mientras voy a comprar.

English translation of Espera aquí mientras voy a comprar.

Wait here while I go shopping.

This sentence gives instruction, requesting someone to remain in a location while the speaker leaves for a task.

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