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English translation of esperanza


The Spanish word for 'hope' is 'esperanza'. It is a noun used in many of the same contexts as it is in English, such as to express a desire or anticipation for a certain outcome or event. It can also be a common female name in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences using: esperanza

La esperanza es lo último que se pierde.

English translation of La esperanza es lo último que se pierde.

Hope is the last thing to be lost.

This phrase uses 'esperanza' to express the sentiment that no matter how difficult things become, hope should never be given up.

Mantengo la esperanza de volver a verte algún día.

English translation of Mantengo la esperanza de volver a verte algún día.

I keep hoping to see you again someday.

Here, 'esperanza' refers to the hope or aspiration to meet or see someone once again in the future.

¿Tienes esperanza de mejorar tus calificaciones este semestre?

English translation of ¿Tienes esperanza de mejorar tus calificaciones este semestre?

Do you have hope of improving your grades this semester?

Here, 'esperanza' is used to inquire if the person has a genuine expectation for positive improvement.

Con esperanza, esperamos la llegada de un nuevo día.

English translation of Con esperanza, esperamos la llegada de un nuevo día.

With hope, we await the arrival of a new day.

In this sentence, 'esperanza' is used to convey the idea of anticipating a new day with positivity.

Ella no ha perdido la esperanza de encontrar a su gato.

English translation of Ella no ha perdido la esperanza de encontrar a su gato.

She hasn't lost the hope of finding her cat.

This phrase employs 'esperanza' to highlight the person's continued optimism about finding her missing pet.

Juntos, compartimos la esperanza de un futuro pacífico.

English translation of Juntos, compartimos la esperanza de un futuro pacífico.

Together, we share the hope of a peaceful future.

'Esperanza' is used in this context to denote a mutual desire and anticipation for a future of peace.

Esperanza es algo que nunca debemos perder.

English translation of Esperanza es algo que nunca debemos perder.

Hope is something we should never lose.

The usage of 'esperanza' in this sentence reflects the importance of maintaining optimism throughout any situation.

Nos dio una chispa de esperanza en tiempos difíciles.

English translation of Nos dio una chispa de esperanza en tiempos difíciles.

He gave us a spark of hope in difficult times.

'Esperanza' is utilized here to express a boost of inspiration and positivity during challenging times.

Gracias por traernos esperanza cuando más la necesitamos.

English translation of Gracias por traernos esperanza cuando más la necesitamos.

Thank you for bringing us hope when we need it most.

In this usage, 'esperanza' is referred as something positive that is greatly needed, appreciated and received with gratitude.

La esperanza de una vida mejor nos motiva a seguir adelante.

English translation of La esperanza de una vida mejor nos motiva a seguir adelante.

The hope for a better life motivates us to keep moving forward.

In this sentence, 'esperanza' is used in the context of maintaining positive expectations for the future.

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