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especie única

English translation of especie única

unique species

The Spanish phrase 'especie única' translates to 'unique species' in English. It is used in biology to refer to a species that is the only member of its genus or group. A unique species is not just merely uncommon or rare, but is so distinctively different from any other species that it stands alone in its uniqueness. It is often used in the context of biodiversity, conservation, and environmental science.

Example sentences using: especie única

Esta planta es una especie única en la región.

English translation of Esta planta es una especie única en la región.

This plant is a unique species in the region.

In this example, we use 'especie única' to refer to a plant that is considered a unique species within a specific region, highlighting its rarity or uniqueness.

La pantera negra es una especie única en la selva.

English translation of La pantera negra es una especie única en la selva.

The black panther is a unique species in the jungle.

Here, 'especie única' is used to describe the black panther as an exceptional species that can be found in the jungle, underscoring its distinctness in this context.

Descubrieron una especie única de insecto en la isla.

English translation of Descubrieron una especie única de insecto en la isla.

They discovered a unique species of insect on the island.

In this sentence, the term 'especie única' is used to describe a newly discovered insect species on an island, underlining that this species has not been found anywhere else.

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