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especie autóctona

English translation of especie autóctona

native species

In English, 'especie autóctona' translates to 'native species'. A native species is a type of animal, plant, or other organism that is indigenous to a particular area or region. It's naturally found and grown in that specific place, meaning that it hasn't been introduced or brought in from other locations. This term is frequently used in fields of study like ecology and biology, where the origin and natural habitat of species is significant.

Example sentences using: especie autóctona

La especie autóctona de esta región está en peligro de extinción.

English translation of La especie autóctona de esta región está en peligro de extinción.

The native species of this region is in danger of extinction.

This sentence is stating that a species which originated from a particular region is now at risk of disappearing completely.

Estoy estudiando la adaptabilidad de una especie autóctona a nuevos entornos.

English translation of Estoy estudiando la adaptabilidad de una especie autóctona a nuevos entornos.

I am studying the adaptability of a native species to new environments.

The speaker in this sentence is talking about their studies which involve understanding how a species that originates from a specific place can adapt to different surroundings.

La protección de la especie autóctona es una prioridad para el gobierno.

English translation of La protección de la especie autóctona es una prioridad para el gobierno.

The protection of the native species is a priority for the government

In this statement, it is suggested that the government places a high level of importance on ensuring the safety and wellbeing of species original to a certain place.

Este parque es conocido por su gran número de especie autóctona.

English translation of Este parque es conocido por su gran número de especie autóctona.

This park is known for its large number of native species.

This sentence is highlighting that a park is famously acknowledged for having a high population of species that are native to that area.

Hubo un tiempo en que esta especie autóctona dominaba el ecosistema.

English translation of Hubo un tiempo en que esta especie autóctona dominaba el ecosistema.

There was a time when this native species dominated the ecosystem.

This assertion refers back to a time in history when a specific species, that was native to the area, was the most prominent part of the ecosystem.

Es esencial preservar la especie autóctona para mantener el equilibrio ecológico.

English translation of Es esencial preservar la especie autóctona para mantener el equilibrio ecológico.

It is essential to preserve the native species to maintain the ecological balance.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of preserving native species in order to uphold ecological equilibrium or consistency.

La destrucción del hábitat amenaza la supervivencia de la especie autóctona.

English translation of La destrucción del hábitat amenaza la supervivencia de la especie autóctona.

Habitat destruction threatens the survival of the native species.

This phrase informs the reader that the destruction of natural habitats pose a threat to the survival of species native to that area.

La reintroducción de la especie autóctona ha sido exitosa.

English translation of La reintroducción de la especie autóctona ha sido exitosa.

The reintroduction of the native species has been successful.

The sentence is sharing the success of a project where a species that originally lived in an area was reintroduced back into that environment.

El calentamiento global afecta la reproducción de la especie autóctona.

English translation of El calentamiento global afecta la reproducción de la especie autóctona.

Global warming affects the reproduction of the native species.

This statement is noting how broad scale environmental changes, such as global warming, can have a detrimental effect on the reproductive cycles of native species.

Es importante evitar el establecimiento de especies invasoras que desplacen a la especie autóctona.

English translation of Es importante evitar el establecimiento de especies invasoras que desplacen a la especie autóctona.

It is important to prevent the establishment of invasive species that displace the native species.

The sentence conveys the importance of stopping invasive species from taking over the ecosystems of native species.

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