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English translation of especialista


The word 'especialista' is a noun in Spanish language. Its English equivalent is 'specialist'. It is commonly used to refer to someone who is an expert in a particular field or subject matter. Like for example, 'especialista en medicina' translates to 'specialist in medicine', denoting a person who has great deal of knowledge, skill, or expertise in the field of medicine.

Example sentences using: especialista

Ella es una especialista en ingeniería de software.

English translation of Ella es una especialista en ingeniería de software.

She is a specialist in software engineering.

In this sentence, 'especialista' is used to describe a person's professional position. This person is an expert or a specialist in the field of software engineering.

Necesito ver a un especialista para mi condición de salud.

English translation of Necesito ver a un especialista para mi condición de salud.

I need to see a specialist for my health condition.

In this context, 'especialista' refers to a healthcare professional who has expertise in a specific area of medicine. The person speaking needs to see this expert to address a health concern.

Este caso requiere el conocimiento de un especialista en derecho penal.

English translation of Este caso requiere el conocimiento de un especialista en derecho penal.

This case requires the knowledge of a specialist in criminal law.

Here, the speaker is referring to a 'especialista' in a specific field - criminal law. The implication is that the case is complex and requires the expertise of a legal specialist who focuses on criminal law.

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