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English translation of esparadrapo

adhesive plaster

The Spanish word 'esparadrapo' translates to 'adhesive plaster' in English. This term is typically used in medical contexts, referring to a strip of material with an adhesive substance, used for covering wounds or injuries. Like band-aids, adhesive plasters (esparadrapo) are a common item in first-aid kits. They protect the wound from dirt, harmful bacteria, and friction, which could potentially lead to even more damage than the initial injury.

Example sentences using: esparadrapo

Hay que usar esparadrapo para cubrir esta herida.

English translation of Hay que usar esparadrapo para cubrir esta herida.

We need to use adhesive tape to cover this wound.

This sentence is indicating that there is a wound that needs to be covered, and the speaker is suggesting to use adhesive tape, known as 'esparadrapo' in Spanish, to do so.

El esparadrapo es esencial en cualquier botiquín de primeros auxilios.

English translation of El esparadrapo es esencial en cualquier botiquín de primeros auxilios.

Adhesive tape is essential in any first aid kit.

In this sentence, the speaker is stating the importance of having adhesive tape, 'esparadrapo', in any first aid kit, as it can be crucial in medical emergencies.

Se ha terminado el esparadrapo, tenemos que comprar más.

English translation of Se ha terminado el esparadrapo, tenemos que comprar más.

The adhesive tape has ended, we have to buy more.

In this context, the speaker is indicating that they have run out of adhesive tape, 'esparadrapo', and need to purchase more.

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